Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Bam Margera Vito Tattoo What Ever Happened To Bam Margera?????exactly?

What ever happened to bam margera?????exactly? - bam margera vito tattoo

When was the last episode of the BAM was transferred viv? What happened to Don Vito in jail? BAM, what's next? I have seen in the disappearance of Steve-O and the rise of manga and tattoos on his arms and his hair was short and I was of the what happened Instant Messaging?


Daisy said...

not bam bam Unholy Union for life. He always keeps busy. Dream Eller He worked on the film on the book by his friend Brandon Novak is based. Bam is anticipated that Novak played in the movie. He said in a recent interview that he wanted to make a new MTV series, which toured the world and do things, Jackass, but nothing was said about it. Bam has a live radio every week on Sirius 28 Faction. Every week he meets with his friends and talk about old stories, new stories that have been done and what we planned. Its great. If you are not yet Sirius you can listen to the show after the live show on Bam on his radio show with ideas for a donkey 3, but nothing has been confirmed (though imdb says it was introduced in 2011) I have a very strong feeling that 3 donkeys will happen.

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сøøl ќïττÿ :) supєrnαturαl fαn♥ said...

I read that he was working in a group right now. I do not think that there is something they could do in the spotlight when they take on another Jackass movie (which I doubt) to.

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